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Korean Treats For The Holiday Season - The Daebak Company
With the Halloween season now at its end, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. And yes, it is everywhere you go. With so many delicacies, entrees, and pastries it’s hard to keep up with all the delicious foods...
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Top 6 Shrimp Flavoured Snacks! - The Daebak Company
Shrimp flavoured snacks have been popular in Korea for many years now. Now, with many different brands and unique creations, there are a few more choices than there once were. Here are a few favourites you might want to try!...
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Six Korean Snacks That Double As Souvenirs - The Daebak Company
Did you really travel if you didn’t return home with a bag full of souvenirs? Probably not. If you’re like me, the mere thought of picking out a few trinkets (and then some for your friends and family) that perfectly...
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Top Two Snacks to Help You Endure Studying - The Daebak Company
When you hear the word studying your mind probably goes to the mountains of books on your desk and the struggle of finding a decent working highlighter. Along with the idea of staying up well past your usual bedtime with...
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