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Natalie: The Life and Times of a Non-Traditional Daebak Global Intern Alumni - The Daebak Company
I can’t describe the feeling of being able to rant about K-Pop and K-Dramas through an internship position at the same time! This bubbly and exciting feeling of expressing a large piece of myself to an audience that will appreciate and understand your feelings is something that can’t be described with words. My journey of how I became an intern with this company is a long, but exciting one; Coming from a non-traditional and non-target school. As long as you are passionate, stay true to yourself, stay driven, and the roads that will open up are endless!
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Karena: My Experience as a Daebak Global Intern - The Daebak Company
“Do what you love”. The quintessential career advice. I’m very grateful to the Daebak Company for helping me do just that. Being a part of the Daebak Global Internship program was an amazing experience that I wouldn’t trade for the world. 
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Elizabeth: Daebak Global Intern Signing Off! - The Daebak Company
And just like that, it’s over. These last few months interning for The Daebak Company have truly been a blast and I’m so glad to have been able to share this experience with you, Daebak-fam! If you’re curious about what the job entails or are simply interested in learning more about my time here, keep on reading!
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